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Piroctone Olamine CAS 68890-66-4

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  • What are the market applications of Piroctone olamine?


    Piroctone olamine is a relatively new anti-dandruff agent. It also achieves the purpose of anti-dandruff by killing fungi, and low concentration (0.1%-0.75%) is effective. At present, this kind of anti-dandruff agent is often used in mid-to-high-end anti-dandruff shampoos on the market, because the Read More
  • How to use Piroctone olamine for dandruff


    According to the "Scalp Health Survey Report of Chinese Residents" issued by the Working Committee of the China Health Care Association, 56% of Chinese consumers aged 20-55 believe that dandruff has affected their normal work. and life. According to another "Chinese Scalp Sub-Health White Paper", mo Read More
  • How to use Piroctone olamine correctly?


    There is a lot of dandruff, what kind of disease may be caused by it? The first is allergic diseases, such as atopic dermatitis in children. In addition to the redness of the skin of the whole body, the scalp is also red. After the inflammation subsides, the scalp will produce scales. Piroctone olam Read More
  • How to choose the manufacturer of Piroctone olamine?


    Dandruff is caused by some factors, such as unbalanced hormone secretion, mental stress, seasonal changes, etc.; another factor is the excessive reproduction of fungi, such as Malassezia furfur. Considering the mechanism of dandruff formation, dandruff is mainly caused by accelerated cell division o Read More
  • Future Application Prospects of Piroctone olamine


    Piroctone olamine (OCT for short) is a new type of anti-dandruff agent with high efficiency, antibacterial and non-toxic irritation. It mainly achieves the purpose of anti-dandruff by killing and inhibiting fungi. Piroctone olamine has the characteristics of broad-spectrum antibacterial properties, Read More
  • What is the prospect of Piroctone olamine?


    Piroctone olamine is referred to as PO or OCTO; the alias is the anti-dandruff agent OCTO; the chemical name is 1-hydroxy-4-methyl-6-(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)-2(IH)-pyridone. Ethanolamine double salt (1:1). Piroctone olamine has been identified by foreign authoritative institutions as being very reliable for eye and skin safety. Non-toxic, irritating, and sensitizing. In actual use, it will not damage the scalp, and will not cause hair loss or hair breakage. So, what do you know about the future of Piroctone olamine? Next, let's take a look at it in detail. Read More
  • Properties and physicochemical properties of Piroctone olamine


    Piroctone olamine is a kind of anti-dandruff agent with good stability, non-toxicity, and high efficiency. It is widely used in anti-dandruff shampoo, hair conditioner, and other washing and care cosmetics. Its anti-dandruff and anti-itching mechanism is to fundamentally eliminate dandruff through bactericidal and anti-oxidation effects, rather than to temporarily eliminate dandruff from the appearance through degreasing and other methods. In addition to the anti-dandruff effect, and anti-corrosion, remove flavor, acne, and other functions. So, what do you know about the properties and physicochemical properties of Piroctone olamine? Read More
  • Product Description and Properties of Piroctone olamine


    Internationally, people attach great importance to the safety of the use of anti-dandruff and antipruritic agents, and the testing is also extremely strict, generally including acute toxicity, subacute toxicity, chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity, embryotoxicity and teratogenicity toxicity, mutagenicity, skin absorption, and skin irritation. All toxicity indicators of Piroctone olamine are the lowest among similar anti-dandruff and antipruritic agents, so Piroctone olamine is the safest to use. It is currently the only one that can be used in leave-on hair products such as hair cream, hair gel, mousse, and hair dye. Next, let's take a look at the product description and properties of Piroctone olamine. Read More
  • Product advantages of Piroctone olamine


    Piroctone olamine has been used in the market for 30 years. It can fundamentally block the external channels of dandruff through sterilization, anti-oxidation, and decomposition of peroxides, to effectively cure dandruff and relieve itching. Compared with the commonly used anti-dandruff agent ZPT (zinc pyridinium), Piroctone olamine has the same anti-dandruff effect as ZPT and has excellent solubility and compounding without precipitation and stratification. In addition, Piroctone olamine has low biological toxicity and is environmentally friendly. With the EU listing ZPT as a CMR1B substance and banning it from cosmetics, Piroctone olamine will gradually replace the use of ZPT. Next, let's take a look at the product advantages of Piroctone olamine​. Read More
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